Life Lately

Good morning!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Besides my daughter getting sick, the weekend was a great one.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous this weekend, which meant that most if it was spent outside.  We also had our families over for dinner.  This is something we’d like to do every few months.  While we all see each other here and there, we’re not always all together.  It’s so much fun when everyone is together and we can all hang out and talk.  Those are memories that I always treasured as a child and I want my kids to have that too.

wine barMy little makeshift wine area for the family dinner.  We’re all winos – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!  These cute chalkboards are from the Target $1 Spot, they are the cutest!

kids and cabernet family dinnerwith my cousin, sister and aunt and the newest addition to our family.  Can you say, baby fever??

Besides the family dinner, our lives have looked like this for the past week.  I’m so hoping the weather stays this nice down here because I’m already spoiled and I can’t imagine going back to the sweltering heat we were having.

life lately

life latelyA glass of wine outside every evening while the kids play (jeans here)

life lately

I also recently received my wreath from Target and I love it.  I’m just trying to figure out exactly where to put it.  So far, the front door may be the winner.

life lately

What have you been up to?  Has the weather been as fabulous in your area?

Author: kidsandcabernet

Mom, wife, wino, fashion lover, and wanna-be interior designer

8 thoughts on “Life Lately”

  1. Love how you have the wreath! Last year I got one in a smaller size and it’s one of my favorite things. Sounds like such a great dinner with your family- so awesome you can all get together! I hope your daughter is feeling better!


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